54:38duration 54 minutes 38 seconds
Session 6 - Communications
From USU Media Production
59:28duration 59 minutes 28 seconds
Session 7 - Managing the Mesic
01:24:48duration 1 hour 24 minutes
Session 2 - Regional and State Updates
02:15:25duration 2 hours 15 minutes
Session 4 - The Cow, Plow, and Axe of Sagebrush…
Session 4 - The Cow, Plow, and Axe of Sagebrush and Sage-grouse Management
01:03:04duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Session 3 - U.S. Geological Survey and U.S.…
Session 3 - U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Forest Service Science Updates
01:23:14duration 1 hour 23 minutes
Session 8 - Local Working Group Brown Bag Forum
02:00:00duration 2 hours 0 minutes
Session 5 - The New War for the West: Earth,…
Session 5 - The New War for the West: Earth, Weeds, and Fire
11:58duration 11 minutes 58 seconds
Intro and Welcome
01:00:49duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Session 7 - Management and Policy
01:30:10duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Session 1 - National and State Sage-grouse Policy…
Session 1 - National and State Sage-grouse Policy Updates
58:39duration 58 minutes 39 seconds
Session 7 - Movement, Migrations and Space Use
01:16:52duration 1 hour 16 minutes
Session 4 - Sagebrush Communities and Ecology
01:14:37duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Session 5 - Utah's Watershed Restoration…
Session 5 - Utah's Watershed Restoration Program on Fire